OREA Continuing Education Courses

Continuing education is a requirement for all licensees in the great state of Oklahoma. It’s often associated with words like “mandatory”, “perfunctory”, and “required.” While it is all of those things, it doesn’t have to feel like a chore. We’ve made our CE courses to be digestible and informative while also fulfilling OREC regulations.

In Oklahoma, there are 30 required CE hours every three years (starting June 1, 2025), 13 required topics, and depending on the license you have, the rest of the 17 hours are comprised of either the Broker in Charge course (for our managing/proprietary brokers) or 17 elective hours (for all of our other licensees).

The required topics include the following:

  • 1-hour Hot Topic (usually something trending)

  • 6-hour Contracts

  • 1-hour Broker Relationships Act

  • 1-hour Code and Rules

  • 3-hour Ethics

  • 1-hour Fair Housing

Continuing Education courses at OREA are designed to ensure that you keep in good standing with the real estate commission while learning something you can add to your toolbox of knowledge! We cover all required topics (HOT, BRA, CAR, PSC, FHR, CON) and offer a wide variety of elective courses to help you satisfy your hours requirements and learn how to do some cool stuff along the way! Scroll down to learn about and enroll in one of our CE courses today!

Online & In-Person CE Course Options

We offer a wide variety of online Continuing Education courses for the Oklahoma real estate agent that does not have enough time to go take classes in the classroom. Some of our courses are required, some are elective, and our packages offer a mixture of both. It is important to note that a student can only receive credit for a class one time per 3-year renewal cycle.

A student may receive credit in a required category once. So, if a student were to take two different contract (CON) classes that were both 3 hours long, they would receive 1 required hour for their CON category and 5 elective hours. But if the student were to take the same 3 hour contract class twice, they would receive 1 required CON hour and 2 elective hours. Please contact us if you need help figuring out which CE classes are right for you!

*We do not offer refunds for any CE Courses. CE Course purchases are non-transferrable to any other class.

Online CE Options

21-Hour CE Package

Course designed for sales associates
with a renewal date prior to
June 1, 2025


  •  Self-Paced

  • 24 Hour Online Access

  • Satisfies OREC 21-hour CE requirement for Sales and Broker Associates (with license renewal date prior to June 1, 2025)

  • 100% Online 

  • Instructor Support

  • All 6 required courses plus our 3-hour elective courses on Marketing Property and Self and Prospecting: Open Houses


30-Hour CE Package

Course designed for sales associates
with a renewal date after
June 1, 2025


  •  Self-Paced

  • 24 Hour Online Access

  • Satisfies OREC 30-hour CE requirement for Sales and Broker Associates (with license renewal date after June 1, 2025)

  • 100% Online 

  • Instructor Support

  • All 13 required courses plus our 17-hour elective courses on Marketing Property and Self, Prospecting: Open Houses, Qualifying Buyers and Negotiating Pricing and Listings